Date: Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 by Michaela Hickson.
Leading insurance risk and commercial law firm, BLM will lead a team of specialists from formal network, Global Insurance Law Connect, following the network’s appointment to Zurich Insurance Group’s (Zurich’s) new legal panel. The team will provide advice on the management of large and complex claims across the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region.
BLM has been appointed to manage a panel of eight Global Insurance Law Connect members and associates across all lines of business. They are ARK Law in Denmark, Byrd & Associates in France, Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein in Germany, BTG Legal in Italy, Riisa in Norway, B&A Blanco y Asociados in Spain, Socrates Attorneys Ltd in Finland and Norelid in Sweden.
The panel will ensure greater transparency and consistency of claims legal services across the EMEA region.
Zurich’s Group Chief Claims Officer, Ian Thompson commented on the importance of the cross jurisdictional panel:
“Engaging the most appropriate law firm and securing the right legal partner is essential on larger and more complex claims, where there’s a need to balance the technical outcome with the economics while delivering on our claims commitment to our customers. The new panel arrangements will provide Zurich and our customers with a consolidated level of legal insight that we have not had in the past, allowing us to observe trends more closely and to make more informed decisions. It will also provide our international customers with a more joined-up experience on those claims involving multiple countries.”
GILC Chairman, and BLM Partner Jim Sherwood commented:
“The creation of a panel for large and complex claims across Europe, Middle East and Africa gives Zurich access to identified specialist expertise to the benefit of their customers across the world, whilst bringing consistency from their external suppliers. We appreciate its requirements to have a panel of legal experts with the jurisdictional and technical knowledge to support customers and we are proud that through our formal network, Global Insurance Law Connect we will lead a number of independent, established and well-respected insurance specialists.”
Victoria Sisson Luther Pendragon +44 (0)7941 294872
Notes to editors
Global Insurance Law Connect is a formal alliance of insurance law firms spanning four continents. Founder member firms are Batini Traverso Grasso & Associati (Italy), BLM (UK), Byrd & Associates (France) and Foran Glennon Palandech Ponzi & Rudloff PC (USA). Other members are Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein (Germany), Blanco & Asociados (Spain), Khaitan Legal Associates (India), Santos Bevilaqua Advogados (Brazil), Advokatfirmaet Riisa & Co (Norway) and Lydian (Belgium), Buren Legal (China), gbf Attorneys-at-Law (Switzerland), Lee and Li (Taiwan), Molitor (Luxembourg), Ocampo 1890 (Mexico), Sparke Helmore (Australia) and Socrates (Finland).
A cornerstone of the offering is 14 special legal and risk interest groups sharing expert knowledge with clients across classes of business such as product liability, D&O, marine, energy and cyber. Additional groups will be added as the alliance grows.
Our vision and focus is to use the strength and depth of our company to help our clients reduce the time and money they spend on managing risk. If you need a global group of legal advisers, delivering a creative, commercial and specialist service, talk to Global Insurance Law Connect today.