Date: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 by Michaela Hickson.
28 April 2020 – Global Insurance Law Connect (GILC) today launched the second edition of its annual RADAR report, the global review of the important legal, regulatory and socio-economic issues facing insurers across the globe. This year the report has also been expanded to include three new countries: Finland, Germany and Luxembourg.
Jim Sherwood, Chairman of Global Insurance Law Connect commented: “Shortly after our members drafted this year’s report, the world was shocked by the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we have decided that we will tackle the specific legal issues raised by coronavirus in a separate report in the coming months.
“Meanwhile, other market challenges still exist, some of them hugely significant in their own right; and some, such as climate change, brought into new focus by the notable impact of the global economic shutdown. These issues remain important and are the focus of this year’s RADAR report.”
The report highlights key issues, some of which are common across many countries. The most significant of these in 2020 are the impact of climate change, and of the global contraction in the D&O market. Meanwhile, the report also casts a light on country-specific issues in many of the major and growing insurance markets around the world.
Caroline Wagstaff Luther Pendragon 07767 794208
Notes to editors
Global Insurance Law Connect is a formal alliance of insurance law firms spanning four continents. Founder member firms are Batini Traverso Grasso & Associati (Italy), BLM (UK), Byrd & Associates (France) and Foran Glennon Palandech Ponzi & Rudloff PC (USA). Other members are Blanco & Asociados (Spain), Khaitan Legal Associates (India), Santos Bevilaqua Advogados (Brazil), Advokatfirmaet Riisa & Co (Norway) and Lydian (Belgium), Buren Legal (China), gbf Attorneys-at-Law (Switzerland), Lee and Li (Taiwan), Ocampo 1890 (Mexico), Socrates (Finland) and Sparke Helmore (Australia).
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