Getting to know the network… Sarah Drury, BLM

Date: Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 by Michaela Hickson.

This week we interviewed Sarah Drury – Partner at BLM

  1. How did you get to this point in your career?

I am fortunate to have worked for some of the leading lawyers in their field who had exceptionally high standards. However my willingness to work hard and often long, hours and to query technical issues that I didn’t fully understand meant that I was rewarded, at a very early stage of my career. I was exposed to some of London Market’s highest profile and major complex cases and given a generous degree of responsibility. From then on I was hooked and knew this was the only career for me. Had I spent the first two years in the photocopying suite or doing disclosure, the outcome may have been very different!

  1. What is your job now?

I am a Partner at BLM in the London Market Specialty Group and my practice focus is on advising insurers in the energy (upstream, midstream and downstream), construction and engineering sectors.

  1. Can you describe your firm in 50 words?

Modern, forward-thinking and friendly. BLM positively encourages agile working. This in turn promotes work life balance and evidently makes for happier lawyers. The firm is very friendly and the agile working generates a level of trust between lawyers which I haven’t seen at other firms.

  1. How did you get involved with GILC?

GILC has a special interest group focused on Energy, so I’m really looking forward to being able to work with fellow energy lawyers from our network firms on the key energy insurance issues facing the global market.

  1. What do you find yourself doing in a typical day at the office?

Having only recently returned to a City practice my day principally involves re-connecting with some of my long standing and trusted clients as well as meeting the new generation of claims adjusters and underwriters in the London market. I am taking the time to explain BLM’s capabilities across the firm as well as my own practice areas. I am also inviting clients to identify new ways in which we can support them and drafting notes for seminars, both internal and external.

  1. What do you see outside your office window?

One view is of the River Thames and the Hays Galleria, whereas if I look over my shoulder I can see the Monument, a Doric column which commemorates The Great Fire of London of 1666.

  1. What do you get up to when you are not at work?

Most of my free time is spent with family doing some form of sport and we have recently bought a power boat so we are learning how to handle that. I try to practice yoga every day although I probably manage it 3 times a week. We have also spent the last few years renovating our house which I project managed and I love the interior design aspects of that.


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