Cyber Risk & Privacy Seminar

Date: Sunday, June 25th, 2017 by Michaela Hickson.

Date / Time: Wednesday 12 July 2017 | 08:45 – 13:45
Venue: Palazzo dei Giureconsulti, Via Mercanti, 2 – Milan, Sala Colonne – Ground Floor
Contact: Laura Lamagni, Vittoria Magillo

Key risks and security measures for business

The switch from manual operations, cardboard files, and the morning post to paperless offices, smartphones and social media has transformed the way that we live and work. Data that once required a warehouse for storage can now be kept in a shirt pocket and transferred to the other side of the world instantaneously, remote working is commonplace and websites provide easy access to the global market place.

These rapid changes have, however, rendered traditional security measures obsolete and business and government agencies everywhere have become much more exposed to theft, business interruption and extortion.

Although EU and national governments were  initially slow to adapt to these changes , the General Data Protection Regulations and the Network and Information Security Directive, due to come into force next year,  will dramatically tighten the law and regulation governing computer, internet and information security and management in both Italy and Europe.

For this reason, Willis Tower Watson, Lercari and BTG Legal are holding a  Seminar on “Cyber & Privacy: key risk and security measures  for business”, in the prestigious Palazzo dei Giureconsulti at the  heart of Milan’s ancient commercial and municipal centre.

The morning’s program will be  followed by a light brunch in an apt and  picturesque venue right next to the courtroom overlooking  the Piazza Duomo.

This Conference will provide an excellent opportunity to engage in a constructive debate between   speakers and guests about the latest cyber-risk management solutions for businesses in the context of an exponentially increasing threat level  so recently manifested by the Wannacry ransomware attack that affected many of the most important corporations and government agencies around the world.

The primary aim of the event is to describe and explain the most effective measures for  implementing and improving cyber-risk and privacy management, with contributions from  some of the major professionals and experts in the global insurance market.

It will commence with a keynote speech from:

Carlo Mauceli

Chief Technology Officer

Microsoft Italia

Although there is no charge for attending this event  it is necessary to register your place in advance.

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